Titanfall 2 ash
Titanfall 2 ash

titanfall 2 ash titanfall 2 ash

The Simulacrum also says this about Taylor (and vice-versa in the end screen, but only Taylor will say this in the end screen if you achieve the Abandon All Hope ending, repeating the sentence "It is me as I am it".), If you chose to either spare Anna or kill both of them. Multiple times, the Simulacra states "I am her as she is me.", referring to Anna. The Simulacra states that it resides in a hyper-realistic dimension, where pretending to be someone else is how they eradicate "worms", or people who are "unworthy" of being a part of this reality. The Spark Simulacrum reveals itself at the end, when talking to "Anna" on Spark. It possibly possesses or assumes its last victim's form to meet its new victim and attack them as well, as shown in the "Save Anna" ending where the Simulacra leaves Anna to "delete" Taylor. It acts in Spark, catfishing victims, assimilating them, and going on to "delete the material source". The Spark Simulacrum, Catfish Simulacrum, or just Simulacra (as it referred to itself as such at the end of SIMULACRA 1) is the main antagonist of SIMULACRA 1, it is responsible for Anna's disappearance - and, most likely, the disappearances or murders of other people, such as James Aulner.

Titanfall 2 ash